What Questions Should You Ask During Your Job Interview?

 Job Interview

You've checked your maps app, even done a test drive to the facility so that you could arrive on time for your interview. You've dressed appropriately, your mood is up, you walk confidently, you maintain eye contact and shake hands firmly.

Twenty minutes into the interview, things are going smoothly. Now come the questions. Not the hiring manager'syours.

From an employer's perspective, having questions prepared in advance shows your level of interest and engagement. From your own perspective, coming to the interview with your own questions in mind can help you as a candidate determine if the role you're interviewing for is the right one for you.

Below, we’ll share question tips and some examples of appropriate questions to ask in an interview (alongside examples of questions you should not ask during an interview).

Tips for Preparing Good Interview Questions

Proper preparation is important for a successful job interview. One of the best ways to show an interviewer that you’ve taken time to prepare is with a list of well-researched questions to ask. Here are a few tips to help you prepare your questions:

  1. Avoid basic questions that can be easily answered by quickly skimming the company’s website. Instead, focus on questions that require a thoughtful response.
  2. Avoid asking broad or generic questions like, “tell me more about the company” or “what’s it like to work here.” Instead, ask focused questions, such as “What should I be expected to learn in my first 90 days with the company?”
  3. Think about more than the company, don’t be afraid to ask questions about their specific industry.
  4. Make sure not to ask a question that has been answered during the interview. In other words, pay attention to any information the interviewer provides.

Remember, treat the interview as a conversation. Recruiters or HR professionals like when a prospective employee is both prepared and engaged during an interview.

Appropriate Questions to Ask During Your Interview

Employers expect you to want to know how you fit with their plans. Have at least five to 10 questions prepared. Here are examples to use as a reference, however, make sure the questions are unique to the position and the company:

  • What skills and experience would make an ideal candidate?
  • What are some problems facing your staff and would I be in a position to help you solve this problem?
  • What have you enjoyed most about working here?
  • Can you tell me about your talent development program?
  • Who previously held this position? Why is the position open?
  • Describe the company culture? Department culture?
  • What are the expectations for this role during the first 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, year?
  • Do you have any reservations about me being successful with your company?

Inappropriate Questions to Ask

If you're well-prepared you won't stumble down a path that can lead to a failed interview. Avoid personal questions, keep it specific to the job and company. Don't ask:

  • What is the salary?
  • Will I be working a lot of overtime? How many hours will I be working?
  • What is the vacation policy?
  • How quickly could I be considered for a promotion?
  • What are the benefits like?
  • When would I be eligible for a raise?
  • Are you married? Do you have kids? 
  • Can I leave early if I get all my work done?

The Importance of Asking Good Questions

Arriving at your interview prepared with good questions is important for three reasons:

  1. Questions promote dialog, and dialog yields understanding. Asking the right questions can help you to determine if the position and the company are both good fits for you.
  2. Asking appropriate, well-thought questions shows your interviewer that you have serious interest in both the opening and a career with the company.
  3. Good questions also demonstrate you did your research on the job, company, and industry. Coming to the interview prepared helps to make an excellent first impression.

Know what you want and prepare your questions accordingly. Immediately after the interview, follow up with a thank-you letter or email. This will go a long way in ensuring you’ve made a positive impression on the interviewer.

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