A Good Balance

I'm Luke Harkcom, I'm a continuous improvement engineer here at High Concrete Group.

I went to school at the Millersville University of Pennsylvania. I graduated from there with a bachelor's degree in technology education.

I work on projects within the plant. I do things that relate to productivity, quality, and safety. I implemented a CNC foam machine. Now we can make concrete parts in-house and be more cost-competitive. The shapes go into the concrete molds to make fancy architectural cornices, reveals, or whatever the architect can really design.

Typically I spend about 50 percent of my time at my desk on my computer on that portion of the projects, and the other 50 percent I spend on the floor doing analysis, getting feedback from the other co-workers, and seeing the projects actually implemented on the floor. It gives me a good balance between getting out, getting my hands dirty, and also being in the office, crunching numbers, designing things.

High Concrete Group's a really great place to work. They offer a good work-to-life balance which is oftentimes difficult to find.

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