Career Change from the Banking Industry to High

For 10 years before High, I was an HR professional in the banking industry. Looking back, I am struck by the similarities and differences between these two worlds that my career change from the banking industry exposed.
Wherever we are, as human resource professionals we focus on building business success through the success of the people in the organization. I was able to bring my experience in recruitment, employee relations, staffing, school and college partnerships, collaboration with hiring managers, and relationship management to High.
In one of my many roles in talent acquisition, I am responsible for finding and attracting workers who are the best fit for the job and the company. What’s different from my banking experience is that the range of talent we’re looking for is so much broader and deeper that we end up touching many industries.
Our diverse businesses have needs as far-ranging as welding and hospitality, labor, and leadership. In some roles, the skills are so specific that most new hires will require additional training which the company provides. There are also areas of significant overlap between our businesses, such as project management, engineering, and operations. In these and other disciplines we advise people coming aboard that their path to career growth may lead through another business within the High organization.
Another difference was the size. My previous employer had an organization of more than 35,000. By contrast, High employs about 2,000 which means that the working relationships particularly within the lines of business are much deeper. There are advantages to scale, to be sure, but there is intimacy at High that adds a whole new dimension of meaning to the work we do. It was a significant reason I decided to join, and I have found that it motivates many other co-workers to join High as well.
Our culture, values, family-focus, work-life balance, and community involvement are not only important to each of us but also to the internal and external customers we serve. Going back for a moment to the idea of fit, finding people who will embrace our culture is one of the areas that we and our hiring managers emphasize. High co-workers are proud to work here. We work hard and play hard and make a difference. We have fun!
You should know that I’m not the only banking industry professional who made the move to High. In fact, I was recruited to my position by a fellow banking alumna who had joined High a year before I did! For that, I will always be grateful.